Order #{order_number}

Thank you {billing_first_name}!

Your Order is now pending payment.

Interac Payment Instructions:

Please send an Interac e-transfer to sales@islandmushrooms.ca for the full amount of your order: {order_total}

Please enter your order number: Order #{order_number}  in the message box when sending the payment so we can link your payment to your order.

If the payment is sent to the correct email address it will auto-deposit into our account without the need for a security question/answer.

If a security answer is required by your bank please use: mygkit (as the answer)

Please note: Unpaid orders will be deleted after 14 days. A new order will need to be placed after this time.

Please click on the “Pay Now” button for your financial institution below or browse to your online banking portal and login to your online banking account.

Once logged in look for the link to send an Interac e-transfer.

Need Help? Click here for a video explaining how to use interac e-transfer.
